How do you calculate how much water you should drink each day?
Each year, humans drink more than 4 billion cubic meters of fresh water. You've probably heard that you need to drink 8 glasses a day for all the processes inside your body to work properly.
However, this figure is not entirely accurate, and in this article we will tell you how things really go.
How was born the myth of '8 glasses of water a day':
All of our organs are made up of water - the heart and brain are 73% water, while the lungs are 83% water, for example. The idea that you need to drink eight glasses of water a day to keep your whole body hydrated is pretty common.
However, these eight drinks that we hear so often are not a hard and fast rule, but an average suggestion. She probably became popular because she seems to be a happy medium for everyone. In fact, your body may need more or less water.
Factors that influence the amount of water you need
Gender and age: At different ages, our bodies contain different amounts of water themselves. So he needs a different amount to stay hydrated. Men and women also have different amounts of water in their bodies.
Weight: Studies indicate that adults with a higher body mass index are more likely to be dehydrated. And besides keeping you well hydrated, water can also help you lose weight.
The environment: if you live in a hot climate, you obviously need more water; and if you live near the sea or the ocean, where the humidity is higher, your body will need it less.
Physical activity: If you are an athlete or just exercise regularly, you will sweat more than a sedentary person. So you have to replace the liquid that you lose.
In addition, certain special conditions should not be forgotten, such as:
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: During pregnancy, studies suggest that women should drink more water than usual.
General health: Symptoms like fever or diarrhea cause the body to lose water faster than usual. It is therefore crucial to drink water to avoid dehydration.
How to calculate the amount of water you need:
There is a formula that will help you calculate how much water your body needs:
The amount of water in liters you should drink per day is equal to your weight in kilograms multiplied by 0.033.
Once you have calculated this amount, you can create a program that will help you remember to drink as much water as you need. For example, it is best to start the day with a drink or two on an empty stomach. Morning water increases your energy and speeds up your metabolism, so it will help keep you fit and in a good mood all day.
Note: As we mentioned above, different factors can influence this data, so it is important to listen to your body.
What products can replace water?
Although experts suggest drinking water in order to get all the fluids you need, some people may not drink that much during the day.
These can replace part of their water intake with different fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water. Watermelon, oranges and cucumbers are made up of over 80% water. And different soups and drinks, such as coffee or tea, can also replace several glasses of water.